Tuesday, March 14, 2006

V for Vendetta: the Rush to Offensive

So many these days are in a huge rush to be offended. It is fine with me, if people are offended. I think most people are offended in some way or another every day on this planet. I come from a small town that recently passed a smoking ban. Yet, we have hazardous waste in our water, a high poverty level, no jobs, and idiotic citizens who use religon as a smokescreen for being Judgemental. I know that its hard for some people to be concerned about things other than what they physically see affecting them. But, that is just apathetic laziness. Wake the fuck up people.
Drudge Report (one of my fave reads on the internet) had a couple of articles about how people were already flipping out over V for Vendetta. Before its release. Once again, people just make up their own perception. Ohhh.. it has a TERRORIST in it! Ban it! This is the kind of cold war fear mentality that everyone is in right now. Judge something without even watching the preview.
Its a fictional movie based in the future, idiots. And, if we don't do something about the way that the world is going, we will be living in Big Brother land.
So, let go of you apathy and get involved, and educate yourself instead of pissing your pants everytime someone says TERRORIST. This is still America. Preserve it any way you can. Long Live ART!


At 8:17 AM, Blogger Shane Camfield said...

the ban... they are trying to enforce it in other areas, too. i'm against the law in general, but really against the advancement of the law. because its an infringement on freedom. my main point is that people focus on one thing while like breathing in smoke. they dont think about the toxic shit they fill their bodies with. it just seems unfocused and lame to me.


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