Monday, April 10, 2006

Fox News, Your Mom Smells.

Spring is teasing here. We get the sunshine, the illusion of heat- and always this strange wind chill. Guess thats this time of year. I like when the boys wear shorts...but jeez. When its 30 degrees outside, its not as attractive to me. I know everyones ready for summer. but dayum. I shouldnt complain about men in shorts though, its bad Gay Karma. I find myself less and less interested in men anyhow, but eye candy is something that is essential to an Artist. I have signed up for another semester at school- ill be a senior finally! an amazing feeling I hadnt expected. I'm already thinking about grad school, would like to look into some film schools and art schools out west, possibly.
No summer plans as of yet. I'm hoping the choice of films we see this year gets better. I'm addicted to 'Worst Previews' 'Rotten Tomatoes' and the other movie sites. Most excited about the X3 movie that drops in late may. I miss Nightcrawler already though.. mr. cumming isnt playing the blue elf in this one. Dammit! And while I'm on the subject, get rid of Halle Berry! My picks for a Real Storm: Iman, Grace Jones, Angela Basset... or anyone but Berry! yikes.
I have been not paying attention at all to the news choices in this country. I'm very disappointed, that I would even have to Search to get accurate news coverage. Our media is controlled by about 3 companies. Who are these companies? Do they have your best interests in mind? Smokescreen smokescreen. The other day I was on Youtube and some guy called into the fox news O'Reilly show, and he mentioned another show- and O'reilly had him disconnected, and said something to the effect of, "..going to have to send Fox Security to your house.." WTF?? Is this some kind of scary gestapo? I doubt it. I'd love to have Fox Security come by my house- you people aren't the POLICE. Your Mom, bitch. :)


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