Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Oscar (I'm So Sorry)

Such a fountain of wit you were,
a glowing, flooded, blessed curse.
i must apologize for those who speak the worst, sir.
Here in the classroom, the attire of the day is bland at best,
You would surprise their sense of style and cast them into sorrow
Here in the classroom, far removed from your tapered setting,
ignorance about you still abounds, and astounds my intellect.
They have labeled you horrible things,
and your disclaimer is longer than the list of your works.
It sounded quite like this:
“Oscar Wilde, a degenerate, sexual freak, slept with MEN! (classroom gasps) And was jailed for it, and his style was femme. (class laughs) Even though he was the most despicable person alive, we will now read some of his work to pass the time.”
I apologize for my 'higher education' through this ignorant torture hour.
I apologize for the dirty spandex drag boys,
gullible laughing jesters in their parent bought cars.
The freaks are the ones that make the flint, the flicker of joy.
I offer a lily to the literary star you are.
You're alright, somewhere, aren't you?
Dressed in your favorite attire, brushing your hair, to meet some boy,
dressing your words, but they are as natural and beautiful as your love.


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